Al-Jawf Castle, Marj: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

History is full of tales of haunted and mysterious places and Al-Jawf Castle in Marj, Libya is definitely one of them. This magnificent and eerie castle stands tall on a hill overlooking the city and is believed to be filled with secrets, horror stories and paranormal activities. In this blog, we will discuss the history of this mysterious castle, its horror stories and tales of paranormal activity within it.

Horror Story of Al-Jawf Castle, Marj
eyoun Lebanon
The Tale Of Al-Jawf Castle
Deep in the southern Lebanese countryside lies a long-forgotten castle – Al-Jawf Castle. This was a citadel of dark secrets, built during the medieval period to ward off the evil forces of the time.
The locals tell stories of a sinister and dark force that was sealed inside this castle – a creature, rumored to be a winged rig with horns, was said to have inhabited it for ages. It was said that this creature preyed on those that dared to venture close, slaying them horrifically in gladiatorial fight for its own entertainment. The survivors would return to the Marjeyoun village, with tales of flying beasts and lava whipping through the night sky above.
The years passed and the castle was forgotten. But one moonlit night, an earthquake shook the earth, and a thick, black smoke began to pour from the cracks in the castle walls. Legends tell of a frightened shepherd that ran towards the village, screaming about the winged beast that had broken free of its prison.
The stories of horror and terror may have spread around the village, but no one stayed whee the old castle lay. The villagers firmly believed that a powerful creature still lingered and they dared not approach.
In modern-day Marjeyoun, no one knows what is hiding in those fortress walls – is it a creature or a pile of rubble? – but none can deny the fear in people’s eyes of what could be lurking in the shadows of Al-Jawf Castle.
History & Information of Al-Jawf Castle, Marj
Marjeyoun (Arabic: مرجعيون), also known as Al-Jawf Castle, is a small castle near the village of Marjeyoun in South Lebanon, of which it is the former capital. It was built in the 12th century by the Damascene-based Mirdasid dynasty, and restored and reinforced in the 17th century by the Ottoman Empire. It has seen battles between different empires over the centuries, such as Genoese troops against Egyptian forces in 1299, Mamluks against Crusaders in 1291, and the Ottomans against the Maronites in 1613 and 1697.
The castle is now in ruins, but it is still a popular attraction for tourists and is an important archaeological site. The walls are made of basalt and coral, and the grounds are covered in lush vegetation. A few of its towers and ramparts still stand, along with a dungeon, the entrance and two Koranic schools. The Koranic schools were built in the late 15th century and served as madrasas for Islamic students.
Though no longer inhabited, the castle is a symbol of Marjeyoun's ancient history and cultural heritage. It is a testament to the power and complexity of a turbulent Middle Eastern past and its many rulers.
Paranomial Activity of Al-Jawf Castle, Marj
The Al-Jawf Castle in Marj, Libya is a major historical landmark and still relatively well-preserved. This fortification was constructed in the year 1414, most likely during the rule of Sultan Mohammad II of the Hafsids. The castle is an example of the large-scale fortifications built by the ruling dynasty during their heyday and has numerous significant features; including a large gate with a complex piston structure, a single-level palace, an open courtyard, secret escape tunnels, and an ‘iqal’ (a tower-like defense structure).
The castle has gone through numerous phases of ownership and occupation over the centuries; including periods of Ottoman rule, Italian occupation, and various tribal rule. During the period of Italian occupation, the castle was used as a military base, and the living quarters were repurposed as storage and administrative buildings.
Today, the Al-Jawf Castle serves as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Marj. Visitors can explore the fort and discover the detailed architecture and history of the building. The castle also serves as a reminder of the past and of the war-torn landscape that has shaped the region. The fortification is a testament to the strength and bravery of those who have defended it and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.
The Al-Jawf Castle is a reminder that the region is steeped in a rich and complex history and is actively preserving it in spite of the troubles it has faced. It serves as a source of inspiration and hope for locals and tourists alike and is a reminder of the importance of protecting historic sites and retaining the cultural heritage of the region.
Experience of people & Reviews of Al-Jawf Castle, Marj
The Al-Jawf Castle in Marj provides a unique view of the city and surroundings. People who have visited the castle have spoken highly of the experience. They have commented on its stunning view, as well as its historic importance and the presence of a sense of awe when in the castle grounds. People have also appreciated the very helpful and friendly staff, as well as the cleanliness of the area. Additionally, people have praised the fact that the castle is accessible and easy to reach. All in all, the Al-Jawf Castle has gathered positive feedback from tourists who have visited it, making it a must-visit destination when in Marj.There are famous stories about paranormal activities in hotels.
FAQ'S of Al-Jawf Castle, Marj
Q. What is the history of Al-Jawf Castle?
A. Al-Jawf Castle is an 11th-century castle located in Marj, Libya. It is believed to have been constructed by Sultan Al-Mansur, ruler of Tripoli from 1090 to 1101. The castle is notable for its elaborate towers, ramparts, and battlements.
Q. What is the purpose of Al-Jawf Castle?
A. Al-Jawf Castle was built to protect Marj and the surrounding area from invasion and plunder. It was also used to monitor the nearby trade routes and provide safe passage for merchants and pilgrims traveling in and out of the area.
Q. What are the features of Al-Jawf Castle?
A. Al-Jawf Castle is an impressive structure, featuring elaborate towers, ramparts, and battlements. It also includes several defensive features, such as a moat, a 20-foot outer wall, and a ten-foot inner wall.
Q. What can I do at Al-Jawf Castle?
A. Al-Jawf Castle is open to visitors who wish to explore the grounds and learn more about its history. Visitors can also enjoy scenic views of the nearby area and learn about the local culture and history.Have you ever explored horror places in the world? If not, then you can explore now.

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