Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The province of Savannakhet in central Laos is known for its natural beauty, but some believe it also houses a horror story known as the Wat Sanuan Wari. This legend of haunted sites speaks of the paranormal activities that take place in the area and its dark history. Find out the truth behind the Wat Sanuan Wari, and be ready to be taken back in time.

Horror Story of Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet
Over two centuries ago, the small village of Wat Sanuan Wari in Savannakhet, Laos was a peaceful haven of lush, green fields and wild, exotic wildlife. But tragedy soon befell the villagers.
Legend has it that a vengeful spirit had been summoned and began to wreak havoc on the peaceful community. Every night, the spirit would haunt the streets and terrorize the villagers, and no one was safe from its wrath. The inhabitants of Wat Sanuan Wari were too scared to even go outdoors at night, lest they come face-to-face with the spirit.
With no sign of respite, the village elders held a ritual and made an offering to the spirit in exchange for its departure. It was then that the vengeful spirit vanished, leaving no trace of presence behind.
Yet Wat Sanuan Wari remains haunted by the memory of that fateful night. To this day, locals still fear the darkest hours of the evening and whisper of the horrifying spirit of Wat Sanuan Wari. Should one ever return, the villagers know that none of them will be safe.You can visit this haunted place during the daytime.
History & Information of Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet
Wat Sanuan Wari is located in the town of Savannakhet, Laos. It is a Hindu-style temple complex, featuring a seven-story temple tower and three-story bell tower. The towers are built from carved sandstone and decorated with brightly painted images of deities. The temple complex is surrounded by a low wall and is accessed through a main entrance gate.
The temple is a relic of the royal heritage of the city of Savannakhet, which thrived during the 10th-13th centuries. It is believed to be the oldest Hindu-style temple, built in the same style as India's famous Khajuraho and Konark sun temples. The story behind its construction is associated with the great Indian prince Dharma Raja, a Mahayana Buddhist follower of the Brahmanic branch of Hinduism.
According to local tradition, Dharma Raja had a vision in which four celestial beings instructed him to build a temple to the Hindu god Shiva. In response to this vision, Dharma Raja decided to build the temple in the new capital city of Savannakhet, which he had established in 1318. He donated four jewels to Wat Sanuan Wari in order to show the gods his dedication, and also offered a great sacrifice of animals and other offerings.
Today, Wat Sanuan Wari is a popular tourist destination and an important cultural relic of the city of Savannakhet. It is a reminder of the ancient history of Southeast Asia and the influence of Indian culture on the region. Numerous sculptures, paintings, and carvings of various Hindu gods are featured throughout the temple complex. Tourists can also enjoy the serene atmosphere of the courtyard, where the temple's spiritual energy is said to be strong.
Paranomial Activity of Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet
Wat Sanuan Wari is a Buddhist temple located in Savannakhet, Laos. The temple is known for its annual festival of “Sanuan Wari” or “Five Mountain Blessing”. During the festival, worshippers go up the five hills located near the temple for good luck. As part of the ritual, they tie cotton threads on the branches of trees along the route and then make offerings of incense, flowers, and food. The ritual ceremony ends with a collective prayer that Buddha will heal and protect the lives of everyone present. The ceremonies are held with much pomp and religiosity, with people of all faiths in attendance. Beyond the annual festival, Wat Sanuan Wari also offers regular religious services throughout the year. The temple is also frequently visited by locals for blessing ceremonies, personal prayer, and meditation. In addition, numerous events, such as weddings and funerals, are held at the temple. All of these activities contribute to a feeling of spiritual significance and help to create a strong sense of community within the area.
Experience of people & Reviews of Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet
Wat Sanuan Wari is a temple shrine located in the old quarter of Savannakhet city, Laos. People who have visited this shrine have described their experience as “very peaceful and serene”. The complex contains a number of large statues and structures, as well as a number of smaller shrines filled with offerings and trinkets. It is said to have a calming atmosphere that visitors find very relaxing. The grounds are also home to numerous monkeys and other animals, which many visitors take advantage of to take pictures. The complex also houses a number of ponds stocked with fish, which make for interesting photo opportunities as well. Reviewers have praised the visuals of the complex, with some poetically describing the details of the structures and the surrounding scenery as being both beautiful and calming. A number of people also noted that the staff were friendly and went out of their way to keep visitors comfortable. The temple is a popular destination for both locals and foreign visitors, and is considered a must-see when traveling in the region.
FAQ'S of Wat Sanuan Wari - Savannakhet
Q: What is Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet?
A: Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet is an ancient temple located in Savannakhet province, Laos. It was constructed over 200 years ago and is now one of the key attractions of the region. The temple is home to a number of unique and sacred artifacts, such as carvings, sculptures and a stunning Buddha.
Q: What can I expect to see at Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet?
A: Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet is full of ancient relics, statues, and artifacts. Visitors to the temple can expect to see an impressive Buddha statue, as well as various carvings and sculptures.
Q: Is there an entrance fee for Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet?
A: Yes, there is an entrance fee of 20,000 kip (approximately US$2) for adults and 10,000 kip (approximately US$1) for children.
Q: Are there any special guidelines that I need to follow while visiting Wat Sanuan Wari – Savannakhet?
A: Yes, visitors should dress modestly and refrain from touching or disturbing any of the artifacts. Visitors should also be respectful of the temple and its worshippers.

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