Urumqi - Southern Mosque: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Urumqi's Southern Mosque is a site of both horror and mystery. A place of worship, the Southern Mosque has also seen great tragedy through its long and storied history. But there are more to its stories than just bloodshed - there is also paranormal activity to contend with. Read on to uncover Urumqi's Southern Mosque, its tragic history and its otherworldly activity.

Horror Story of Urumqi - Southern Mosque
The Southern Mosque of Urumqi had long been a place of peaceful prayer and reflection for the people of the city. Every day, devotees could be seen entering the mosque’s courtyard, bowing their heads and murmuring prayers to the one God. It had been a place of harmony and spiritual retreat for centuries, a comforting oasis within the bustling city.
But something sinister had recently begun to haunt the Southern Mosque. As the sun set each evening, strange and eerie noises could be heard emanating from the mosque’s interior. People who dared to venture too close to the entrance after nightfall said the air seemed to be heavy with fear and dread. Though it was impossible to discern the source of these horror shaped tales, the rumor was that they came from within the mosque itself.
As the days passed and the strange occurrences persisted, the people of Urumqi began to whisper of a powerful evil lurking within the shadows of the Southern Mosque. According to some, travelers who went inside after nightfall were never seen again; other stories said that the entrance to the mosque was guarded by mysterious and ghostly figures.
Whatever was causing these strange tales, the people of Urumqi knew that the peace of their beloved Southern Mosque was in peril. So, on a fateful evening, a courageous few set off into the mosque, determined to discover the source of the unease and put an end to it once and for all.
What they found within the darkness of the Southern Mosque was a horror world beyond imagination. Vengeful djinns and demons that roamed the halls, malevolent spirits that tried to possess the living, and a labyrinth of winding passageways and secret chambers. After a hard fought battle, the brave people managed to escape the mosque and return to the safety of Urumqi.
The broken and disheveled group told tales of their nightmare experience, all the while praising the courage of the brave few that had ventured into the Southern Mosque. Be warned, brave travelers, of the dark and mysterious powers that lurk within the Southern Mosque. If you dare to enter its realm, be sure to bring courage and faith in abundance.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.
History & Information of Urumqi - Southern Mosque
The Urumqi Southern Mosque is located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. It is one of the oldest mosques in the region, having been built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The Southern Mosque was destroyed by fire in 1747 and rebuilt in 1855 with the help of local Uyghur Muslims. It is an imposing structure, covering an area of roughly 3,113 square meters and including a large courtyard, three prayer halls, and over 80 classrooms and other facilities.
The Urumqi Southern Mosque stands as a symbol of the long history and heritage of Uyghur Muslims and Islamic culture in Xinjiang. As the largest mosque in the region, it is a major destination for pilgrims and tourists who wish to learn about the culture and beliefs of Muslims in the area. The mosque is known for its unique features, such as original decorations and a minaret that is covered in colorful tiles. Today, the mosque continues to be an important center for prayer, education, and culture for the Uyghur community.This abundant place has earned its reputation as the most haunted place in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Urumqi - Southern Mosque
Urumqi is the capital city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China and home to a large Muslim population. The Southern Mosque is the largest mosque in the region, attracting thousands of worshippers each year. The mosque was built in the early 20th century and has since become a symbol of Uyghur identity and culture in the region. It is visited by tourists and pilgrims alike, often taking advantage of the many cultural activities taking place within its walls. The mosque hosts a range of events throughout the year, from Quran study and prayer to traditional concerts and lectures. There is also a library attached to the mosque, providing free access to Islamic literature and resources. The facility also serves as a venue for meetings, conferences and other special events. In recent years, the mosque has become a strong symbol of Islamic solidarity amongst Uyghur Muslims in Urumqi and beyond.
Experience of people & Reviews of Urumqi - Southern Mosque
Urumqi's Southern Mosque is a popular tourist spot and is said to be one of the most beautiful mosques in all of China. According to those who have visited the mosque, the architecture and design of the mosque are breathtaking. The colors and intricate patterns of the mosque make it a sight to behold. Visitors have also reported that the atmosphere inside the mosque is peaceful and serene, creating a great sense of calm. Additionally, many visitors have cited that they were warmly welcomed by the staff and locals, making for a pleasant visit. In sum, Urumqi's Southern Mosque is said to be a great place to learn about culture, architecture, and religion.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
FAQ'S of Urumqi - Southern Mosque
Q1. Where is the Southern Mosque located in Urumqi?
A1. The Southern Mosque is located in the Yudu District of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.
Q2. Are visitors allowed to enter the Southern Mosque?
A2. Yes, visitors are allowed to enter the Southern Mosque; however, please respect the Islamic dress code and follow the rules and regulations inside the mosque premises.
Q3. Is there an entrance fee for the Southern Mosque?
A3. No, there is no admission fee.
Q4. Is photography allowed inside the Southern Mosque?
A4. Professional photography is not allowed inside the mosque, however any kind of amateur photography is allowed.After sunset, entries are restricted at this haunted place.

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