Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Jiangsu's Tongzhou Bay is a place with a rich and varied history, but it is also rumored to be a haunt for paranormal activities and horror stories. In this blog, we explore the area's history, horror stories, and rumored paranormal activities to discover why it has such a mysterious and eerie reputation.

Horror Story of Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay
Legend has it that the bay around Nantong in Jiangsu is haunted by a terrifying sea creature. It is said that the monster is so massive that it can move through the water with terrible speed, its gigantic form hidden beneath the waves. Its size has been compared to that of a whale.
The monster was first spotted by fishermen one fateful night in the 17th century. Witnesses claim they saw a giant, dark shape emerge from the depths of the bay, and then retreat just as quickly. The fishermen tried their best to outrun the beast, but it would always keep up with their boats, slowly and surely.
The monster has remained a mystery since it first appeared centuries ago. Local sailors still warn about its presence, warning people not to be out on the water when the tides are dark. Locals believe that if you go too far out and the moon is too low, you might catch a glimpse of the mysterious beast. Although some believe it is nothing more than a myth, others still swear they've seen it.
History & Information of Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay
Nantong Tongzhou Bay is located in the eastern coastal area of Jiangsu Province, and it is an important part of the Yangtze River estuary. It is the main port that serves the coastal economic belt of the ‘two wings’ of Changjiang Delta. It is located in the middle of the Nantong and the Yangtze River.
The history of Tongzhou Bay dates back more than 1,500 years. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was called “Ji, Tian, You, Chi Si”. The Nantong Port on the outlet of the Yangtze River existed in the Northern Song Dynasty. In 1621, Nantong County was set up here, and the Nantong Port was further developed. During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, it flourished. In 1933, Nantong County was renamed Tongzhou County, and the port was also renamed Tongzhou Port.
In 1983, Tongzhou Port was opened to international trade. In 1985, the Nantong Coastal Economic Development Zone was established, and projects such as marine transport, navigation engineering, and comprehensive land reclamation of Tongzhou Bay were carried out. This has now formed an effective export-oriented economy, which has greatly improved the infrastructure and transportation of Nantong.
In 2017, the Nantong pilot free trade zone was established, and Tongzhou Bay was included as one of the five key free trade areas in the whole provincial. The goal of the construction of the free trade zone was to revitalize traditional industries, promote new-type industrialization, comprehensively open up to the outside world, and build Nantong into a high-end manufacturing base for the Changjiang Delta.
Paranomial Activity of Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay
National Nature Reserve
Jiangsu-Nantong Tongzhou Bay National Nature Reserve is a protected area located in Tongzhou Bay, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China. It is the legal nature reserve protected with the highest level of protection in Jiangsu Province. Established in 1996, the reserve covers an area of 9356 hectares of land and sea. The reserve includes a large number of rare and endangered species, such as Chinese Alligators and Finless Porpoises.
The reserve is managed for conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The main objectives of the nature reserve are to protect wildlife habitats, promote biodiversity, and provide a place for recreation and educational activities. The reserve works with local communities to raise awareness of conservation and to promote sustainable fishing practices. It also works to protect the environment from pollution and other man-made threats.
The reserve hosts several environmental education activities for both adults and children. The activities include field trips, workshops, and visits to the reserve. During these activities, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting nature and learn how to practice sustainable development.
The reserve also carries out many research projects to enhance their knowledge of the species and habitats within the reserve. Research projects are coordinated with universities and stakeholders to ensure the best results. This research is used to inform management decisions.
In addition, the reserve works to improve local livelihoods by engaging the local community in management and restoration activities. The reserve works in cooperation with the local communities to cultivate an appreciation for the environment and ensure sustainable utilization of resources in the reserve.
In conclusion, Jiangsu-Nantong Tongzhou Bay National Nature Reserve is an important protected area for the conservation of wildlife and habitats in Jiangsu Province. The reserve works with stakeholders, local communities, and universities to improve management and to promote environment-friendly activities. By doing so, it ensures the sustainable utilization of resources and the conservation of the natural environment.
Experience of people & Reviews of Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay
1. People who have experience with Nantong Tongzhou Bay report that it is a beautiful and scenic place. The surroundings are peaceful and quiet, and the beach is clean and well-maintained. The hotel offers excellent service and rooms are spacious and clean. The food is also of good quality and reasonably priced.
2. Tourists find the facilities and environment of Nantong Tongzhou Bay very impressive. The attractions in the area range from the nearby mountains to the nearby islands off the coast. Boat excursions and fishing trips are popular, and one can also enjoy swimming in the crystal-clear waters.
3. People find the people of Jiangsu to be very friendly and hospitable. The locals welcome visitors with open arms and are willing to help with any questions or inquiries. They are known for their strong sense of community and the welcoming atmosphere of their towns and villages.
4. Tourists have left very positive reviews for Nantong Tongzhou Bay. Many people have enjoyed the serene atmosphere and relaxed lifestyle of this area. They appreciate the affordable prices and quality services, and also admire the dedication of the locals to preserve the natural beauty of the bay.
FAQ'S of Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay
Q: Where is Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay?
A: Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay is located in the eastern part of China, directly across the Yangtze River from Shanghai.
Q: What type of activities are available in Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay?
A: Nantong Tongzhou Bay offers a variety of activities for visitors ranging from traditional Chinese culture to modern entertainment. Popular activities include visiting local markets, traditional villages, wine tasting, and sightseeing. The bay also offers a range of water sports, fishing, and many other outdoor activities.
Q: What is the best time to visit Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay?
A: The best time to visit Nantong Tongzhou Bay is in spring or autumn, when the temperatures are milder and there are fewer crowds. Summer is also a great time to visit, as it is the peak tourism season for the area.
Q: What is the nearest airport to Jiangsu - Nantong Tongzhou Bay?
A: The nearest airport to Nantong Tongzhou Bay is Nantong Xingdong International Airport, located about 15 kilometers away from the city.

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