St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Never in a million years would you know that a small church in the heart of Johannesburg holds a frightening story; one of a gnarled tree, ghostly faces lurking in the shadows and paranormal activities that will send shivers down your spine. This is the tragic yet eerie tale of St. James Anglican Church.

Horror Story of St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg
, South Africa
In the mid-1800s, Johannesburg, South Africa was an active trading hub and bustling city. For years the newly constructed St. James Anglican Church stood tall and imposing in the same spot it is today, as a beacon of hope for the people of Johannesburg.
Little did they realize that the church would become something of a nightmare for the city. It started with a rash of disappearances reported in the surrounding area, loved ones vanishing with no explanation or trace.
Rumors began to swirl, mainly fueled by the local superstitious folk, that St. James was cursed and harbored a darkness that could not be beaten. Innocent people were being taken directly from their homes or off the street never to be seen again.
It seemed that the closer one ventured towards the old church the greater the disappearances would occur. Eventually, people refused to approach the church no matter what their destination, even in broad daylight.
Finally, after years of speculation, a local man bravely ventured into the depths of the old church in order to unravel the mystery. After hours of searching, he stumbled upon a large room filled with several corpses. All were exsanguinated, drained of their blood.
It's then he made a startling discovery. Written on the walls of the room, written in blood, were the words "St. James Church. Where the seven demon lords feast upon the living".
The man immediately fled the church and warned the authorities who immediately launched an investigation. After a thorough investigation the true horror behind the disappearances was revealed.
An ancient cult had taken residence in the old church, lead by seven demon lords who fed on the blood of humans in order to stay alive.
It was revealed that the cult had gone undetected for many years before it was finally uncovered. To this day the church still stands untouched, a reminder of the tragedy and horror it brought to Johannesburg.Among the top 10 most haunted places in the world, this haunted house is one of the scariest.
History & Information of St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg
St. James Anglican Church Johannesburg, located in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, is a historic church with deep roots in both faith and culture. Founded in 1864 by missionaries of the Church of England, it is the oldest Anglican church in Johannesburg and continues to serve the community today. The church's founding was part of an effort to bring Christianity to the burgeoning city of Johannesburg in the late 19th century.
Over the past 150 years, St. James has gone through many changes and seen many different people pass through its doors. In 1892, the church was damaged by a bomb during a Boer siege. Despite this, it has remained an integral part of the Johannesburg community and continues to host religious ceremonies, social events, and other activities.
Aside from religious services, St James also serves as a cultural landmark. It has been the setting for major events in Johannesburg's history, including the funeral of former president Nelson Mandela. The church is a popular tourist attraction and is renowned for its stained-glass windows, which depict key moments in South African history.
St James remains a symbol of faith and hope for the Johannesburg community. It has stood the test of time and continues to serve as a place of worship and comfort for those living in the city.
For further information about St James, visit their website:
Paranomial Activity of St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg
The St. James Anglican Church in Johannesburg is an active, vibrant and inclusive church. The church has a wide range of weekly, monthly, and annual activities.
Weekly Activities:
The church offers weekly worship services in both the traditional and contemporary styles. These services take place on Sunday mornings and evenings, as well as mid-week prayer meetings and bible studies. The church also offers its own Sunday school for children, as well as youth ministry programs for teenagers and young adults.
Monthly Activities:
In addition to offering weekly activities, the church also holds a range of monthly activities including visiting speakers, concerts, sports activities, and socials. The church also has an active senior citizens' ministry that meets once a month.
Annual Activities:
On an annual basis, the church celebrates special occasions such as Easter and Christmas. Additionally, special events and retreats are organized throughout the year. These events may include guest speakers, workshops, and spiritual formation retreats.
Experience of people & Reviews of St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg
People who have visited St. James Anglican Church in Johannesburg have overwhelmingly positive things to say about their experience. Many people comment on the beauty of the church and its architecture, noting its grandeur and intimacy as well. Other visitors remark on the warmth and friendliness of the congregation, describing the atmosphere of worship as uplifting and inspiring. Many have also shared their fond memories of events and services hosted at the church, citing the excellent preaching and choir singing as highlights. All in all, visitors of St. James Anglican Church in Johannesburg have enjoyed their experience and have highly recommended a visit.One of the most haunted places in the world, this place is filled with mystery
FAQ'S of St. James Anglican Church, Johannesburg
Q: Where is St. James Anglican Church located?
A: St. James Anglican Church is located in Johannesburg, South Africa. The address is 97 St James Drive, Parktown, Johannesburg 2041.
Q: What is the worship service schedule at St. James Anglican Church?
A: Traditional Morning Worship Service on Sundays at 10:00am, Evening Service on Wednesdays at 7:30pm, and Morning Prayer on Tuesdays at 9:00am.
Q: Are there organized ministries at St. James Anglican Church?
A: Yes, there are a number of ministries offered at St. James Anglican Church which are broken down into physical, spiritual, and practical activities. These include the Bible Study, Compassion Ministry, Artistic Ministry, Spiritual Counseling, Healing Prayer, Youth Ministry and Music Ministry.
Q: Does St. James Anglican Church provide any type of outreach services?
A: Yes, St. James Anglican Church provides a wide range of outreach services such as feeding programs, health education, financial assistance, short-term housing, foster care and street outreach to those in need in the local community.

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