Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Deep in the heart of East Bethany, New Brunswick lies an abandoned asylum called Rolling Hills. The story of Rolling Hills is a long and dark one, filled with horror, death, and strong paranormal activity. Built in the late 19th century, this former psychiatric hospital has a dark and mysterious history that continues to haunt its visitors to this day. Explore the history and hauntings of Rolling Hills Asylum and see what secrets it can reveal.

Horror Story of Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick
Rolling Hills Asylum was once a beautiful place nestled in the small town of East Bethany, New Brunswick. It was a place of peace, and solace for those with mental and physical illness. But that was before the dark days came.
No one knows exactly what happened, but the darkness that descended onto the Rolling Hills Asylum one night changed it forever. Witnesses have claimed to have seen strange occurrences and heard ghostly sounds coming from the building late at night. Lights were seen flickering throughout the building, and strange noises could be heard echoing down the halls.
Legend has it that during the darkest days, all the patients mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Some thought that the patients had been taken by the mysterious darkness, never to be seen again. Others say that a powerful force kept them captive within the walls of the asylum; a force that can still be felt today.
With the passage of time, stories have grown around the asylum’s unexplained events and its mysterious inhabitants. Some believe that even today the darkness that descended upon the asylum is still lurking in the shadows. Others say that the spirits of the patients roam the halls, eternally unable to escape the horrifying fate that befell them.
Whichever is true, no one who visits the haunted halls of Rolling Hills Asylum ever forget the experience - or the fear that may still linger among its creaking floors and echoing walls.This abundant place is the right contender in the list of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
History & Information of Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick
Rolling Hills Asylum is a former mental health care facility located in East Bethany, New Brunswick. Originally built in 1878 as a philanthropic and charitable institution, its purpose was to provide care to indigent, elderly, mentally ill, and developmentally disabled individuals of New Brunswick.
Over the years, Rolling Hills Asylum went through several changes, including expansion and name changes. In 1921, it changed its name to the East Bethany Sanitorium and by 1941, it had increased to nearly 250 residents. In 1963, the facility was renamed The Rolling Hills Health Center and continued its operations until its closure in 1996.
Today, the former hospital grounds are open to the public and are well-known for their paranormal activities. The asylum has been featured in numerous television shows, magazines, and books, and is said to be one of the most haunted places in New Brunswick.
Visitors to the asylum have reported experiencing a wide range of paranormal activity, including disembodied voices and sounds, inaudible whispering, and sightings of shadow figures. It's is said that some of these entities were the patients and staff members who lived and worked in the facility, the majority of which are said to have never left the grounds of Rolling Hills.
Paranomial Activity of Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick
The paranormal activity reported at Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, New Brunswick is quite extensive. Reports include lights flickering on and off, doors and windows opening and closing by themselves, unexplained noises, disembodied voices, and odd shadows appearing in the dark. Some have also claimed to have seen figures in the darkness and felt a presence around them. People have claimed to feel an eerie cold sensation as they pass certain areas of the asylum. Others report feeling trapped and in fear when they enter certain rooms. Some have said they have heard loud bangs coming from different parts of the building and even felt hands on their shoulders. Reports of a little girl in a white dress and an elderly woman in a nightgown have also been made. Some paranormal investigators have even recorded EVPs containing voices of children in the asylum.People who have already visited this place will tell you the tale of their most haunted experiences.
Experience of people & Reviews of Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick
Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, New Brunswick has been the source of many paranormal investigations due to a long history of strange occurrences and mysterious activity. People who have visited the asylum often report feeling spooked, uneasy, and even hearing mysterious voices and rattling chains. Other visitors have reported odd smells and feelings of being watched. Some even have witnessed lights moving around and orbs in the dark corners of the building.
One thing that everyone agrees upon is that the atmosphere is incredibly eerie. Many people say that the energy is so thick you could cut it, and the sense of danger is ever-present. Some visitors even report feeling afraid as soon as they walk in the building.
People who have participated in ghost tours of the asylum often report seeing apparitions, experiencing cold spots, and even feeling a sense of dread. Others have heard loud bangs, voices, and unexplained noises while they walked through the rooms and hallways.
Many people have stated that Rolling Hills Asylum is one of the most haunted places in Canada. It offers an unforgettable experience for those who are brave enough to explore its secrets. After sunset, entries are restricted at this haunted place.
FAQ'S of Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New Brunswick
Q: What is Rolling Hills Asylum?
A: Rolling Hills Asylum is an abandoned psychiatric hospital in East Bethany, New Brunswick, located about an hour from Saint John. The hospital operated between 1891 and 2014 and is considered one of the most haunted places in Canada.
Q: Is it safe to visit Rolling Hills Asylum?
A: Yes, it is safe to visit Rolling Hills Asylum under the guidance and supervision of experienced staff. The tours have been designed to ensure that all visitors are safe and secure.
Q: Are there any restrictions on who can visit the asylum?
A: Yes, all visitors must be over the age of 18, and all minors must be accompanied by an adult. All visitors must also sign a waiver of responsibility upon entering the asylum.
Q: Is there a fee to visit Rolling Hills Asylum?
A: Yes, there is a fee for each tour and photography packages. The fees vary depending on the duration and type of tour.

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