Floors Castle: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Floors Castle in Scotland is known for its centuries-old history as a renowned stronghold and haunted mansion. Join us as we explore the mysterious tales of horror, history, and paranormal activity that surround this iconic and mysterious structure.

Horror Story of Floors Castle
The legend of Floors Castle starts off centuries ago, when a mysterious castle was discovered deep in the Scottish Highlands. The castle was said to be haunted by the spirit an ancient Scotsman who had been wronged thousands of years ago.
The tales say that the Scotsman was a powerful wizard who was betrayed by the people of Floors Castle. He cursed them all to an eternity of terror and torment, and vowed to never leave until every last one of them had met their grisly demise. For centuries, the cursed castle sat untouched as generations of families were scared away by the rumours of evil lurking within its hallowed walls.
It wasn’t until recently that a few brave souls decided to take a chance and explore the castle. Their curiosity was rewarded in the form of horror and death. They discovered that not only was the haunted spirit still roaming Floors Castle, but an entire demonic horde had moved in and taken up residence as well.
From the moment the first unlucky soul set foot inside the walls of Floors Castle, it has been a place of fear and sadness. Many have been lured in by the promise of an adventure, only to be dragged off by the cursed specter and into the depths of the abyss. Others have been taken by the dark forces within, never to be seen again.
Although the castle has been abandoned for many years, the spirits of those who once roamed its halls still linger. If you're brave enough to journey in and handle the horrors that are sure to come, the curse of Floors Castle may finally be broken. Beware, for anyone who sets foot inside this cursed castle will face the unspeakable terror of its many secrets.
History & Information of Floors Castle
Floors Castle is a large Borders mansion house and estate to the south of Kelso, in the Borders region of Scotland. It is the seat of the Duke of Roxburghe. It is the largest inhabited castle in the country and is particularly known for its grand interiors and Rococo plasterwork.
The castle was originally built as a hunting lodge in 1621 by Sir Jacka Pringle, ancestor of the Earls of Hume, whose family maintained it until 1741, when it was sold to the Duke of Roxburghe for £47,000. The 7th Duke engaged the architect James Playfair to transform Floors Castle into a grand stately home, between 1770 and 1837. Work was slowed by a lack of money due to the banker crash of 1772 and the Napoleonic Wars of the early 19th century.
The Duke of Roxburghe's family have owned the castle for over 260 years, making it one of the longest continuously owned estates in Scotland.
In the 1960s, many of the castle's contents were auctioned off, including 8,000 books from the Duke's library. In the following decades, the castle had difficulty with maintenance. Despite being opened to the public on occasions, Floors Castle was largely closed to the public for a time.
Since 1996, the current Duke of Roxburghe has undertaken major restoration works, both to the castle and its gardens. Since 2007, the castle has had a stable garden management team again and been open to visitors.
Paranomial Activity of Floors Castle
The Paranomial Activity of Floors Castle comes alive on a nightly basis— guests hear mysterious noises, strange lights can be spotted, and shadow figures can often be seen walking among the corridors. Reports of unexplainable and often hair-raising events occur regularly throughout the castle’s renowned chambers and rooms. Many visitors take part in interactive and investigative activities to uncover secrets and answer the questions of “what happened?” and “who’s responsible?” Groups of up to 8 may join patrols of the castle’s grounds to determine the source of paranormal events. Audio and video recordings are constantly monitored in a control center, and the results are made available for guests to further their investigation. For the brave of heart, live seances are held to communicate with the supernatural inhabitants of Floors Castle.
Experience of people & Reviews of Floors Castle
The experience of people who have visited Floors Castle has been overwhelmingly positive. Many reviews state that it is a beautiful historic place with a lot of interesting stories and artifacts to explore. People also mention the friendly staff, delicious food, and stunning gardens. Visitors can also take part in a tour of the castle and explore the different rooms and artifacts. The combination of the history, gardens, and local attractions make Floors Castle a must see during a visit to Scotland .If you are searching for horror places in the world then you have arrived at the right time.
FAQ'S of Floors Castle
What is Floors Castle?
Floors Castle is an ancestral home located in Roxburghshire, Scotland. It is a classical Georgian mansion commissioned by the 10th Duke of Roxburghe in 1721 and finished in 1726.
Where is Floors Castle located?
Floors Castle is located at Floors Castle, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 7SF, United Kingdom.
What are the opening times for Floors Castle?
The Castle is open year-round Monday - Saturday from 10.30am - 5.00pm. From April to October, Sunday opening is available from 12.30pm - 4.00pm.
Can I visit Floors Castle?
Yes, Floors Castle is open to the public for guided tours. Private tours and events are also available upon request.
What can I expect to see during a visit to Floors Castle?
Visitors can explore the grand State Rooms, 18th century kitchen, walled garden, art gallery, historic stables, the gift shop and the surrounding estate.

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