Craigmillar Castle: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Deep in the hills of Edinburgh lies Craigmillar Castle, forever seeping with a mysterious history and a ghostly atmosphere. Discover the haunted secrets of the castle as horror stories, historical wonders, and paranormal activity paint a chilling picture of the MacFarlane’s stronghold.

Horror Story of Craigmillar Castle
The people of Scotland had long since feared the dark and foreboding walls of Craigmillar Castle. Legends said its stones had been soaked in the blood of those sacrificed by dark forces that lurked within its walls.
It was said that on stormy nights, the ghostly screams of those unfortunate enough to have been taken by the dark forces could be heard to issue forth from the walls of the castle.
But that was only the beginning of the terror that was to be unleashed upon the Castle at Craigmillar. For in the dead of night, when all was silent, a faint and eerie chanting could frequently be heard coming from within the castle walls.
The chanting was said to mark the presence of an ancient coven of witches, who had taken up residence within the walls of Craigmillar centuries before. Through their dark and sinister rituals, they had constantly sought to increase their power, often at the expense of the lives of the innocent creatures entrapped within the castle walls.
It is said even today, that should you dare to wander near Craigmillar Castle late at night, when the shadows draw long and the stars hide from view, you may still hear the eerie chanting of those sinister witches, waiting to unleash their full power in the dead of night.
History & Information of Craigmillar Castle
Craigmillar Castle is a ruined medieval castle located near Edinburgh, Scotland. It is known for its connection to Mary, Queen of Scots and was one of the most important castles in Scotland in the 16th century.
The castle was originally built in the 13th century by the de Vaux family and was later expanded by the Kers in the 14th century. In the late 15th century, it was gifted to the Preston family, who were an influential family in Mary, Queen of Scots' court. During her time, Mary stayed at the castle and it was used as a base for her supporter, the Earl of Bothwell, during a rebellion against the Crown.
During the 17th century, the castle fell into disrepair and its stonework was used to build nearby buildings. In the 19th century, the castle was partially restored by the 6th Earl of Wemyss. Today, visitors can explore the castle's ruins and take in spectacular views of the surrounding countryside.
Craigmillar Castle is now a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is protected by Historic Scotland. In 2017, the castle was added to the Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland. It is open to the public on a regular basis.This abundant place is the right contender in the list of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Craigmillar Castle
Craigmillar Castle is a 14th century castle located in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is managed by Historic Environment Scotland and is a popular tourist attraction. Paranormal activities have been reported in the area for many years. Sightings include phantom soldiers, ghostly apparitions, and disembodied voices. Visitors to the castle often report strange sensations, eerie lights, and mysterious noises. Many locals believe that the castle is haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants. The most commonly reported paranormal activity is a ghostly figure in a window of the keep. It is thought to be a soldier keeping watch over the stronghold. There have also been reports of a sinister black figure in the courtyard, a hooded female specter in the chapel, and the sounds of voices in the great hall.
Experience of people & Reviews of Craigmillar Castle
Most people who visit Craigmillar Castle have remarked on the great atmosphere it has and what a unique experience it is. They report that it is a wonderful place to explore, especially during the summer months when the castle grounds are at their most picturesque. They have enjoyed the excellent food and drink served in the onsite eatery, as well as the friendly and helpful staff. Many have also commented on the great views of the city of Edinburgh and surrounding landscape that can be enjoyed from the castle walls. In general, visitors find the castle to be a fascinating place to explore and a great option for anybody visiting Scotland.This place tops the list of one of the most mysterious places in the world.
FAQ'S of Craigmillar Castle
Q1.Where is Craigmillar Castle located?
A1.Craigmillar Castle is located just south of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Q2.When was Craigmillar Castle built?
A2.Craigmillar Castle was built in the late 13th century and has been used as a royal residence, fortress, and military garrison throughout history.
Q3.What is the most striking feature of Craigmillar Castle?
A3.The most striking feature of Craigmillar Castle is its remarkable, triangular-shaped keep, built in the 1530s.
Q4.What other features can be found at Craigmillar Castle?
A4.Craigmillar Castle also features a variety of outbuildings, including a great hall, a chapel, and a kitchen, along with several towers and battlements.
Q5.What is the history of Craigmillar Castle?
A5.Craigmillar Castle has a rich and varied history, having been used as a royal residence, a fortress, and a military garrison over the centuries. The castle played an important role during the Wars of Scottish Independence and was the site of the infamous Craigmillar Bond in 1566.

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