Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

If you’re interested in the bizarre, eerie and supernatural, you must visit Dorji Drak Monastery in Paro, Bhutan. This monastery has made its rounds in various horror stories, and it also has a captivating history full of mystery and paranormal activities. Read on to learn more about this monastery and its secrets!

Horror Story of Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro
, Bhutan
Legend has it that a ghostly figure resides in the ruins of the Dorji Drak Monastery in Paro, Bhutan. According to locals, it is the vengeful spirit of an ancient monk named Padmasambhava who was entombed alive in the monastery. Having never left the monastery, he continues to haunt the halls and corridors. The ghost is described as tall and clothed entirely in white, with bright eyes that burn with a supernatural light.
Every full moon night, Padmasambhava comes out of his crypt, searching for revenge against those who disobeyed his orders during life. One can hear his voice shouting through the corridors of the monastery, growing louder and clearer as he draws nearer. Whoever he finds is doomed to a horrific and torturous fate. Villagers living near the monastery warn travelers to avoid the place during the full moon, as it is believed that Padmasambhava will strike anyone who crosses his path in search of revenge.
Though science has yet to explain the presence of the ghostly monk, villagers believe him to be real. To this day, many still turn in fright at the sound of an eerie voice coming from within the ruins of the Dorji Drak Monastery.It is one of the most haunted places in bhutan
History & Information of Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro
Dorji Drak Monastery, also known as Changangkha Lhakhang, is located in Paro, Bhutan. The temple was built in 12th century by the great scholar and master architect Phajo Drugom Zhigpo, who was also responsible for the establishment of the Drukpa Kagyu school of Mahayana Buddhism. The monastery has been rebuilt several times after earthquake damage.
Dorji Drak Monastery is a revered Buddhist temple in the region and is said to have been visited by renowned Tibetan teacher and scholar Milarepa during his pilgrimage to Bhutan. It is believed to be the home of Embulden Namgyal, the first temporal ruler of Bhutan. Bhutanese people refer to the monastery as “olee changrendzhik” which translates to “noble house of eternity”.
The temple is dedicated to the protector deity Chenresig, and houses various statues of deities venerated in Bhutan, including Chenresig in his wrathful form Dorje Drakpa. This temple serves as one of the main spiritual centers of Paro and is one of the most sacred sites in Bhutan. It is frequented by locals who visit to make offerings and to receive blessings from the monks.
In recent years, the monastery has undergone some modern renovations and is now equipped with facilities like elevator and water supply. The monks of Dorji Drak Monastery offer Buddhist teachings such as meditation and compassion to those who visit the monastery.
The monastery is also home to one of the biggest white bees colonies in Bhutan. The temple is said to have been founded by the great terton (Buddhist treasure revealer), Terton Pema Lingpa in the 13th century.
Dorji Drak Monastery plays an important role in the local cultural traditions and is regarded as a holy site in Paro. Along with the National Museum of Bhutan, it forms an important part of the Paro Valley cultural heritage. It is also popular among tourists who visit to admire the paintings, statues and historical carvings within its walls.
The monastery is well known for its annual festival of “Tsechu” which is celebrated for three days and features masked dances, sacred plays and other traditional festivals. Local people flock to the monastery to participate in the grand feast and to seek blessings from the deity of fertility, known as Lhapren Zhey. The monks perform various religious ceremonies, and prepare a traditional treat of buckwheat pancakes for the devotees.
The monastery is open to tourists all year round and is a popular destination for tourism in the region. With its peaceful atmosphere, stunning views and spiritual artifacts, Dorji Drak Monastery is a must-visit destination.
Dorji Drak Monastery is a great reminder of the importance of Buddhism in Bhutanese culture and of Phajo Drugom Zhigpo's legacy. Many people come to experience the monastery's majesty and to give thanks for the blessings it has brought over the centuries.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro
Dorji Drak Monastery is a historic monastery located in the valley of Paro, Bhutan. It is among Bhutan's oldest monasteries, believed to have been founded in the 11th century by the great master, Longchen Rabjam. The monastery is home to some of the most important Buddhist traditions in Bhutan and is a popular destination for pilgrims, local spiritual seekers and tourists.
In terms of its spiritual activity, Dorji Drak Monastery is an influential center for Buddhist teachings and meditation practices. It is also home to a number of important lamas and scholars who give weekly teachings on topics related to Buddhist dharma. Additionally, the monastery hosts regular ceremonies of Tsog offering, which are traditional Buddhist rituals for spiritual nourishment and purification.
Visitors have the opportunity to visit the many old, traditional and sacred shrines that are found at Dorji Drak Monastery. These shrines are believed to house powerful and ancient energies that can be received through prayer and meditation. These energies are said to bring good luck and spiritual fulfillment to those who seek them out.
The monastery is known to offer a range of other activities like distributing food, medicine and other basic necessities to the poor and needy. Such activities are made possible through the generous donations of visitors, Buddhists and the wider community. This kind of charitable work, along with the regular ceremonies of Tsog offering, creates a meaningful and fulfilling atmosphere within the monastery grounds.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro
The Dorji Drak Monastery in Paro, Bhutan is considered to be one of the oldest and most important monasteries in the region. The monastery was established in 1659 and has been the centre of Buddhist study, practice and culture in the area ever since. It is home to more than 400 monks and is considered to be the heart and soul of Paro valley.
Visitors say the experience of visiting Dorji Drak monastery is one of sheer peace and spiritual fulfillment. The monastery house is said to be filled with a sense of serenity and pastoral tranquility, while the site of the monastery itself is said to be incredibly picturesque.
Travelers also note that the monks are very friendly and welcoming, eager to share stories about their faith and the monastery’s history. They also stress the fact that Dorji Drak is a living, breathing monastery that is still actively used by the locals for prayer and meditation. It is also a great place to take pictures, as the views of the valley from the monastery are absolutely stunning.
In general, visitors rave about their experience at the Dorji Drak Monastery and highly recommend it to anyone visiting the region. They say it’s an experience unlike any other and that it provides great insight into the cultural and spiritual history of Bhutan.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Dorji Drak Monastery, Paro
Q1. Where is Dorji Drak Monastery located?
A1. Dorji Drak Monastery is located in Paro, Bhutan.
Q2. How old is the Dorji Drak Monastery?
A2. The Dorji Drak Monastery was established in 1868.
Q3. Who is the spiritual leader of Dorji Drak Monastery?
A3. The spiritual leader of Dorji Drak Monastery is His Holiness Phende Tulku.
Q4. What type of teachings does Dorji Drack Monastery provide?
A4. Dorji Drack Monastery provides teachings on meditation, contemplation, Buddhist philosophy and rituals.
Q5. Is there accommodation available at the monastery?
A5. Yes, there is accommodation available at the monastery.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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