The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Located in the town of Saumur in France, the Château de Saumur has a deep history of horror, historical events, and alleged paranomal activities. From its eerie castle design to its extensive grounds, there's no shortage of mysteries to uncover within its walls. Read on to explore this mysterious and haunted castle and the mysteries it holds.

Horror Story of The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur
The Château de Saumur had a dark and mysterious history, full of rumors of strange and supernatural occurrences. Folks in the area would whisper tales of spectral figures and strange lights seen from the castle walls late at night.
Many a brave but foolish traveler would venture there seeking to uncover the truth behind the tales, but no one who ventured in ever returned. Some stories even claimed that an ancient witch had taken up residence in the castle, determined to keep its secrets forever.
One such young man was determined to get to the bottom of the castle's mysteries, so he made the long and treacherous journey to the castle. It was dark and dreary when he arrived, and he could feel something sinister in the air. He quickly made his way inside, and began to explore.
As he explored, he felt a chill in the air that seemed to grow more intense with each hallway he explored. He eventually stumbled upon an ancient chamber that seemed to be the source of the supernatural presence. As he stepped closer, a voice echoed from the shadows and said, "Leave now or face my wrath."
The man backed away, terrified, but the voice followed him, taunting him until he found his way outside. He quickly ran away, not daring to look back, but the voice still followed him, whispering promises of an even more horrible end should he ever return.
The man never returned to the castle, and to this day its secrets remain hidden.This abundant place is the right contender in the list of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
History & Information of The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur
The Château de Château de Saumur in Saumur, France is a medieval fortress located on the banks of the Loire River. The chateau, which is now owned by the French state, was first built in 1026 by Theobald I, Count of Blois. It was later conquered by Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou in 1144, who then added defensive walls, forming the castle’s current shape.
During the Hundred Years' War, the castle was occupied by the English and was then seized back by the French. It was later used by the French as a fortified garrison. The castle was attacked several times during the Wars of Religion and was changed hands a number of times.
In the mid-17th century, parts of the castle were used as a prison and was also used to store gunpowder during the French Revolution. The castle was declared a national monument in 1887 and was opened to the public following its extensive restoration.
Today, visitors can tour the fortified castle walls as well as a section of underground dungeons. The castle also houses the Charles de la Fayette museum and the Maison Ducal de Bretagne museum. Visitors can explore the castle grounds and take in the stunning views of the Loire River.
The Château de Château de Saumur remains one of the most important historical sites in France, and continues to be popular destination for visitors looking to explore the region’s rich history and culture.
Paranomial Activity of The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur
The Château de Saumur is located in the city of Saumur in the Loire Valley in France. The castle is a popular tourist destination and hosts a variety of activities, from educational programs to wine tastings. Some popular activities include exploring the battlements and walls of the castle, attending special events and exploring the many vineyards in the surrounding area. The Saumur Museum of Art also allows visitors to explore the history and art of the region. They also host yoga classes, lectures, and other events. Additionally, its nearby rivers, make it a popular spot for fishing and other aquatic activities.
Experience of people & Reviews of The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur
The Château de Château de Saumur is one of the most important castles in the Loire Valley in France. Visitors to the castle have remarked on its beauty and historical significance, with its impressive views of the Loire River. Many have noted the detailed gardens and spacious rooms inside the castle. Those who have stayed the night remark on the luxurious guest suites and the delightful restaurant. In all, it seems many visitors have had a memorable experience at the Château de Château de Saumur.
FAQ'S of The Château de Château de Saumur, Saumur
, France
Q: What are the attractions near the Château de Château de Saumur?
A: Visitors to the Château de Château de Saumur can also explore the nearby historic sites, such as the Abbaye de Fontevraud and the Church of Saints-Pierre-et-Paul. Additionally, there are a variety of shops and restaurants within the city of Saumur as well.
Q: Is there an admission fee to enter the Château de Château de Saumur?
A: Yes, admission fees to the Château de Château de Saumur are required. Admission is € 10.00 per adult and €5.00 per child.
Q: What time does the Château de Château de Saumur open and close?
A: The Château de Château de Saumur is open daily from 10:00am to 6:30pm.
Q: Is the Château de Château de Saumur wheelchair accessible?
A: Yes, the Château de Château de Saumur is fully wheelchair accessible.This place is famous for its haunted stories and hence tops the list of the scariest places on Earth.

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