Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

This small police station in Monkey Bay, Mangochi has a spooky, yet fascinating history tracing back to colonial times. With tales of horror, paranormal activities, and plenty of twists and turns, this police station has become a source of mystery and curiosity. Come explore with us the history and horror that lingers at the Monkey Bay Police Station.

Horror Story of Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi
The locals in the small coastal town of Monkey Bay had been living in peace for a while until one fateful night. It all started when the locals heard of a strange occurrence at the police station in Mangochi.
The night before, two of the town's police officers had been on patrol when they arrived at the station where they saw a mysterious figure standing outside. When they tried to approach they were quickly stopped by a guard who said no one was allowed to enter. The officers reported back to their station and when the following night came, the police station in Mangochi was abandoned.
The locals of Monkey Bay were now in a state of panic, convinced that something sinister was lurking in the shadows. The rumors had quickly spread about the paranormal activities within the station, and an eerie feeling began to fill the air.
One night, a group of brave locals decided to venture to the station to investigate the activity. As they stepped closer to the entrance, they noticed that the door had been forcibly opened and a cold chill flooded their veins. When bravely entering the station, they noticed that all the lights were off and a thick fog of fear and horror enveloped them.
The group of locals searched through the whole station as their hands trembled with fear. In one of the backrooms, they found the last two police officers frozen in terror, their faces showing a look of pure horror. The walls of the station were marked with strange and eerie symbols, further fueling the ideas of something sinister.
The next day, all of the people in Monkey Bay avoided the police station in Mangochi, scared for their lives. The rumors of a dark presence still remain, but none dare to enter those cursed halls ever again.
History & Information of Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi
Monkey Bay Police Station is located in Mangochi, a district in the Southern Region of Malawi. It was established in 1981 following the independence of Malawi from British colonial rule. The police station is responsible for enforcing criminal law, maintaining public order, and protecting citizens.
The Monkey Bay Police Station is staffed by around forty police officers who are responsible for law enforcement in the area. They are supported by two other stations in the district, namely Namwera Police and Mangochi Town Police.
The station is equipped with advanced communication systems, vehicles, and communication technology systems making it effective and efficient in crime prevention and detection.
The police station provides several services to the public, such as criminal complaints investigations, traffic control, issuance of temporary resident permits, criminal record checks, and protection of property.
In recent years, the station has increasingly adopted community policing methods in order to further improve its effectiveness. Through this approach, the police station partners with local residents in order to identify problems in the community and work together for solutions.
In addition, the police station has also implemented several safety initiatives in order to ensure the safety of citizens. These include the establishment of neighborhood watch groups, road traffic safety programs, as well as enforcement of regulations when it comes to bars and nightclubs.
The Monkey Bay Police Station is also actively involved in promoting gender equality and working to combat gender-based violence in the district. Additionally, they are increasingly considering the impact of climate change on the district and taking appropriate steps to manage risks.This place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi
1. Community Outreach Programs: The Monkey Bay Police Station organizes regular activities for local communities, such as opportunities to meet with members of the police force, workshops to address crime prevention and safety, and activities designed to foster positive relationships between the citizens and police.
2. Security Checkpoints: The Monkey Bay Police Station has established several security checkpoints throughout the district to ensure the safety of locals. These checkpoints are manned by members of the force and feature a highway patrol, an armored vehicle, and mounted police.
3. Crime Prevention Programs: The Monkey Bay Police Station also runs a variety of crime-prevention programs aimed at curbing crime in the district. These include neighborhood watch programs, safe schools initiatives, and gun safety forums.
4. Monitoring: The Monkey Bay Police Station operates a monitoring system that tracks criminal activity in the district. This system is used to identify crimes that should be addressed and to provide officers with quick access to necessary resources.
5. Emergency Response: The Monkey Bay Police Station offers 24-hour response to emergency calls. This response includes police search parties and ambulance services.
Experience of people & Reviews of Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi
Most people who have visited the Monkey Bay Police Station in Mangochi have reported positive experiences. The officers at the station are very friendly and helpful. They have also been praised for being efficient and effective at resolving matters. Furthermore, many visitors have commended the officers on their professionalism. People also appreciate the fact that the officers are willing to listen to their concerns and take the necessary action. The atmosphere at the station is also considered to be inviting and welcoming. Generally, the feedback received from visitors to the Monkey Bay Police Station in Mangochi has been very good.This place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
FAQ'S of Monkey Bay Police Station, Mangochi
Q1. Where is Monkey Bay Police Station located?
A1. Monkey Bay Police Station is located in Mangochi, Malawi.
Q2. What are the opening hours of Monkey Bay Police Station?
A2. Monkey Bay Police Station is open from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.
Q3. Does Monkey Bay Police Station offer any services?
A3. Yes, Monkey Bay Police Station offers a range of services, including processing police bail applications, enquiring into traffic offences and issuing visitors' permits to foreigners.
Q4. Does Monkey Bay Police Station have a website or contact number?
A4. Yes, you can contact Monkey Bay Police Station by telephone on +265 11 392 818 or email on You can also visit the official Malawi Police Service website for more information about Monkey Bay Police Station and the services they offer.

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